Sunday, October 07, 2007

Yes, I have been that busy

So much is going on these days I hardly have time to sleep let alone blog, but I have thought for some time that I needed to post an update so here it is.

Houston is treating me mighty fine. Its like I never left - I've fallen back so comfortably into a lifestyle I subconsciously missed. So many of the things I was feeling angst over have disappeared into the city crowds. And I haven't even been to the museum yet (although the current exhibit beckons me, it features fine jewelery through the ages)!

I still think about Joshua constantly, but most of the time now I'm angry instead of sad, so that's a step in the right direction.

I'm loving my job....finally! I work with a very cool, close group of designers who are intelligent and witty and have wholeheartedly welcomed me into the company, immediately making me feel integral and necessary. It doesn't hurt that my first week there I discovered the previous accountant had embezzled a large sum of money. We've pressed charges and a large part of my day involves working with the insurance company and the D.A. compiling evidence for the trial.

I move into my new place in the next few weeks. Its being made ready after being destroyed by the previous tenants. What an adventure this is going to be, as I'm not quite sure I haven't bitten off more than I can chew. Its a big apartment, maybe 1100 sq. ft., the bottom floor of a duplex, and I may have to put some work into to make it nice. But its in the Montrose, just 2 miles from work, 4 blocks from my pal Sarah's, 8 blocks from my university and the Menil. Perfect.

I have pictures I really want to post of my friend's Lisa and Kate and I going to San Saba dove hunting on Tara's ranch. About a mile from the house my brand new car got stuck in the mud up to the door and got mud all inside the car too. Fortunately, we were able to get it out and no damage appears to have been done and I was finally able to get all the mud out. Lisa has the photos on her camera and keeps forgetting to send them to me, but they're hilarious so I have to share.

Also, I've started running more frequently and went on a 5 mile run last Sunday night, which is about as far as I've managed to go at any one time. Kate wants me to run a 5k with her soon and I was like "no way can I run a 5k" and she was like "dude, its only 3 miles" and I said "whoa, I do that all the time"!

And finally, Mr. Cary has a sister now! Her name is Grace Kelly and she is a stray calico that wandered up to Kate's house. I gave up the dog idea even though I'm going to be living alone because a. the landlord didn't want to permit a dog and b. it was Josh who really wanted the dog and I was just going along with it because I loved him and wanted to bring him joy. So here's hoping the next man I meet is a cat lover, although I'm not that worried about because thinking about other men right now makes me ill. The girls have 'introduced' me to no less than 6 guys in the past two weeks and I just laugh and think "well, when I am ready I guess I'll have a pretty good selection". But not yet.

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