Thursday, May 10, 2007

I hate my job

Its official: My job is sucking the life from me.
It makes me nauseous.
I want to quit.
I cried all day because the stress has completely broken my spirit.
I'm tired of working overtime and not getting paid for it.
I'm tired of working overtime and not getting all of my work done because I spend so much time doing other people's work and picking up the slack for their lazy asses.
I'm tired of things trickling down to me from all levels because no on else has any follow through.
I want a new job.
I'll be in tomorrow and hope for the best.
I want to be positive about my situation, but every day I start out that way and within 30 minutes I'm completely zapped of all my positive rationales for why I keep showing up to be shat upon.
This is a nightmare.

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