Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Justice is Blind

And additionally, it seems, deaf. I have received my first summons for Jury Duty, and despite my best efforts to appeal the assignment, I will be required to show up sometime during the 2nd week of December, which is coincidentally a very important, can't-really-miss-it week at work. I felt that I explained myself very well, but the folks down at the court house just could not quite wrap their brains around the fact that I do not hold a conventional job and cannot "take a few days off". My work does not wait, and if I am absent my work must continue without me so that deadlines may be met. I would not have a job to go back to not because I had been fired but because the job itself was over and done.

What to do...

According to my very wise boyfriend, I should relax and not allow myself to be stressed about it. He tells me having panic attacks (to which I sometimes succumb) get me nowhere and only compound the problems. So I exhale and follow the instructions I already knew but sometimes just need to hear.

Today I am trying a new dish, Chicken Korma. I have never been a huge fan of Indian cuisine. In high school I had an Indian friend whose mother would always prepare foods fiery and incompatible with my tender palate.
Since then I have avoided it, but the rest of the people in my office like Indian food, so I have been forced to give it another try. I have made an excellent choice in this curry and am enjoying it very much. So go to the Clay Pit in Austin and try it yourself.

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