Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Notes on Having A Grown Up Job

Having a grown up job can be cool. It can also suck balls. From February to August of this year I had a grown up job that sucked balls. I worked super long hours, was stressed out all the time, got paid very little, took a lot of bs from both coworkers and clients, and suffered the consequences - its effect on my personal life and sanity.

Then in August I got a beyond awesome grown up job. I work with nice, interesting, hardworking people, get paid very well, have more than decent hours and to top it off, I get a Christmas Bonus!

I've never received a Christmas Bonus before in my whole life. I must tell you it's pretty damn sweet!

This year has been a rough one, but its also been good in some ways. Having the foundation of a steady job allows me to concentrate on other areas of my life that I would like to improve. Like getting my house in order, getting my fitness schedule in line and keeping my finances in the black. All of which I actually have time and capital to address. You know, now that I'm finally grown up. Or almost, or nearly, or on my way, or something.

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