Thursday, May 04, 2006

Snakes are cool, bikers are not

When in West Texas, please remember to bring your bandannas in many colors, as you wouldn't want to offend the massive numbers of biker gangs who roam the roads and book up all the hotels on the weekends. Dawn exhaust pipe wake up alarm is complimentary.
As soon (that is, if) I figure out why there are so many bikers in this area I'll let you know. I assume it has something to do with the long stretches of open road and the 75 miler per hour speed limits (woohoo, 5 miles faster than ever where else ya'll). At any rate, it seems like a senseless waste of precious fossil fuels to me, so this week Bikers top my list of thoughtless idiots who needlessly pollute our environment for their personal pleasure.
PS, the next person who peels out of the hotel parking lot with their pipes blaring is going to get it...I've formed a precarious alliance with the assasin bunnies to take out the misfits.

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