Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Very Very Very Sad

With the crash of my hard drive last month I lost all of my Quicken Data from May 2007 to the present. This sucks! Not just because I'm anal retentive and meticulously log every financial transaction I make, but because this information is actually critical to this year's tax return. I had hopes of recreating the info by re-entering the information from my bank statements, but the matrix of accounts and transactions is so complicated, it would take several days to get it all right. And even then some of the information is too old to be recalled - like checks written for which I only know a date and amount, not to whom or for what. In a rash and bold move, I just decided to delete everything I worked on last weekend and start from scratch as of Jan 1 2008. But a little twinge deep in my gut makes me feel guilty for giving up so easily. Really though, I think it will be fine, I just have to get over wanting to have everything be exactly so. This is the same sort of gusto that led me to shred boxes full of files and receipts that I had been holding on to since I was in high school. Of course, during that shredding incident I destroyed two of my diplomas (though not my B.A., phew), so maybe that's why I'm worried about having a 7 month information gap. I think I'll go get a bottle of wine and drink it all and then just not worry about it. Ahhh, now that sounds responsible.

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